© 2016: Dr. Friedrich Menges Software-Entwicklung Spectroscopy Ninja | Spectrometer Hardware | Spectragryph Software Imprint
[Spectroscopy Ninja]

- optical spectroscopy software -

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Download of Spectragryph (fully functional trial version) Start > Step 2 > Step 3 > last Step

Now, really!
Download Spectragryph
(english version v1.2.16.1 from July 14 2022, size: 11.9 MB)

The Spectragryph install file is digitally signed with a SHA-256 Comodo code signing certificate (learn more about here).

As a result, it is recognized by Windows to come from a "verified publisher"!
System Requirements Installation Hints
  • Spectragryph runs on 32bit and 64bit version of
    • Win XP
    • Win 7
    • Win 8.1
    • Win 10
    • Win 11
  • install file size: about 12 MB
  • requries about 40 MB disk space
  • runs on all hardware less than 15 years old

>> please install with admin permissions <<
(otherwise won't be able to read & save *.spc files!)

How to do this? see this screenshot
(right click on spectragryph_install_1.2.exe and choose "Run as Administrator" from the menu)

Uninstalling Spectragryph:
Just use the "Uninstall Spectragryph" feature from the Windows Start Menu. Don't use those uninstallers from web sites saying "How to Uninstall Spectragryph" or the like. These are scam and trick you into something you never wanted...

other operating systems

the current version works with LINUX in a wine environment (tested with wine 0.9.20 by Thomas Mitterfellner, tested with wine 1.2 by Daniel Mader and, most recently, with Spectragryph 1.2.13 + wine 3.0).

The current version will run on macOS inside VirtualBox, an open source software provided by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
It also runs on macOS using Wine/ WineBottler. In this case, no virtual operating system is needed (Information from Stefan Örtel, Visp/ Switzerland). In case there are problems with installation or execution, please read their FAQ.
For newer MacOS versions (Sierra and newer) which dropped Wine support (and 32bit in general), Crossover or PlayOnMac seem to be a working solution.


© 2001-2023: Friedrich Menges. Last Change: 14 July, 2022
Privacy statement: this website has no 3rd party cookies, it will neither track nor analyze you. No Google Analytics. No paid advertising. No selling of user data. No fuss. No shit. Only useful content for Spectroscopy Ninjas.