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General functionality videos | Automation videos | Identification videos | Acquisition videos

Peak labels: general use & manual labelling - tutorial video youtu.be/qrFm3v1yikk

This videos shows Spectragryph peak labeling functionality with all options. Manual creation of custom labels starts at 1:51. Custom labels can be saved with a spectrum file (*.sgd) and loaded again for display. This is shown beginning at 3:50.

Preprocessing FTIR spectra for comparison - tutorial video youtu.be/8xk5gfy2n8s

This video shows how to do some common tasks on a series of FTIR spectra simultaneously:
- cutting of bad measurement area
- linear baseline subtraction
- normalization by area

Peak labels: assignment of atomic emission labels for LIBS & XRF spectra - tutorial video youtu.be/37kRAY1361Q

This videos shows Spectragryph doing automated assignment of element labels to LIBS and XRF/ EDF spectral data. The position tolerance for matching with reference values can be changed. The range of used elements can be interactively defined from a periodic table. It is also possible to create peak lists including the line assignments.

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Instant plot from copy&pasted data

From Excel, Origin or any text editor, just select the columns to be plotted and transfer to Spectragryph with CTRL+C/ CTRL+V.
In the line above the first values, axis types are recognized.
Above these, spectrum titles are recognized.

Processing automation ("Automate" ribbon)

Processing automation: batch file conversion - tutorial video youtu.be/-xBRA2Cjyrs

This video shows how to use the processing automation feature, how to load a ready-made processing sequence and batch-convert a multitude of spectra files in various file formats at once.

Processing automation: batch plot creation - tutorial video youtu.be/C-prSOrLBto

This video shows how to use the processing automation feature, how to select and define steps for a processing sequence and batch-create spectrum plots from various spectra files at once.

Identification features ("Identify" ribbon)

youtube: using spectral databases with Spectragryph Using the spectral database feature - tutorial video youtu.be/InRWl5qTuH0

This video shows how to load a spectral database into Spectragryph, navigate and visualize the database spectral content, load sample spectra for search, execute searches and create PDF search reports.

Creating spectral databases I - tutorial video youtu.be/nrG_3wHt7qk

This video shows how to create a custom spectral database from your own spectra. Part I: create & save the basic database, include your spectral data and assign descriptor values

Creating spectral databases II:- tutorial video youtu.be/74vDPddPHZM

This video shows how to create a custom spectral database from your own spectra. Part II: create search definitions and use them to execute spectral database searches.


Live data acquisiton features ("Acquire" ribbon)

Data acquisition: measuring time kinetics - tutorial video youtu.be/jkjWWd8oyC8

This video shows live data acquisition with Spectragryph from a Stellarnet module, using the burst mode for fast measurements using the "Transfer" button for moving the acquired data to an Automation tab and finally creating the time kinetics trace from the measured spectra (by using the timestamp property).

Data acquisition: mineral Raman spectra & identification - tutorial video youtu.be/QPYunSwUTS4

This videos shows Spectragryph acquiring Raman spectra from a Andor camera based Raman system and using the Spectragryph spectral database search functionality for rapid mineral identification! On the way you see the use of advanced baseline subtraction and generation of PDF search reports. The little yellow fork truck carries the data from the acquisition window to the identification window, so it takes only two clicks from measurement to search result!

Data acquisition: applying Raman shift calibration - tutorial video youtu.be/O5KB1dnLlEM

This video shows live data acquisition from a Raman system equipped with a Andor cam. You see connecting, cooling down the CCD detector, applying dark subtraction and finally execution of x axis calibration by using Cyclohexane as standard. Applying the calibration coefficients directly transforms pixels to RamanShift!



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