© 2016: Dr. Friedrich Menges Software-Entwicklung Spectroscopy Ninja | Spectrometer Hardware | Spectragryph Software Imprint
[Spectroscopy Ninja]

- optical spectroscopy software -

Contact & Connect: academia.edu Tumblr: Haunted by spectra Facebook: Spectroscopy Ninja LinkedIn: my professional self! Twitter: Spectroscopy Ninja Xing: another professional resume ResearchGate: my academic self send an email youtube channel for Spectroscopy Ninja
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Spectragryph is
Fast, efficient & lean Rock solid & easy to use Free for private & academic use

Working on every Windows version from WinXP to Win11. Switchable user interface, choose from 12 years of Windows UI design changes. Dark theme available!

with Spectragryph you can
Plot, process, analyze & convert
spectral data from 89 file formats
. recognized file formats
Work on and combine spectral data into a single plot from:
- fluorescence
- Raman
Parallel processing of multiple spectra for all functions &
batch conversion of all recognized formats into export formats:
- Spectragryph & Spekwin32 binary files
- two ASCII formats (*.dat, *.csv)
- JCAMP-DX *.dx files
- Thermo Galatic *.spc files
- FOSS *.nir files
Create nice interactive multi-spectrum plots by just drag&dropping your files in, zoom around, change axis types and axis titles, display peak labels, customize label text, use the multi cursor, create a stacked view, ... Process your spectra with baseline correction, advanced smoothing algorithms, peak, area and value normalization, spike removal, cutting, sorting, renaming, removing scatter peaks from fluorescence, calculate derivatives,... Distinct ribbon with functions for processing and viewing of 2D fluorescence data (EEM) Analyze your spectra with the peak finder, calculate FWHMs, concentrations, extinction coefficients, film thickness, integrate with or without baselines, use the data extraction tool, mixture analysis, do Gaussian deconvolution, multi-library search...
Control of spectrometer hardware, live acquisition of spectral data:
- Andor
- Avantes
- Arcoptix
- Broadcom
- OceanOptics
- StellarNet
- IBSEN Photonics
- TSI/Chemlogix
- Wasatch Photonics
- USB webcams
supported spectrometer hardware
Define and save data processing sequences (to be combined from 45+ processing steps), for repeated automated execution with arbitrary numbers of spectra on either loaded spectra or spectra files from folders. Watch live processing, generates processing protocol. Identify unknown samples with spectral database search & matching, create custom spectral libraries from all file formats, load and convert commercial libraries (enter and display meta data and molecular structures), create automated search reports

See a more comprehensive feature overview

Some example screenshots (many more here):

Automated peak labeling as known from Spekwin32, with all the configuration options. Also manual labelling available Changing color palette for spectral lines integration function with individual baseline


Download information material about Spectragryph:

Download a 40-page presentation about Spectragryph as
or PDF
(from 12/2019)

a 1-page
poster about
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1-page poster
with "comparative
advertising" about


© 2001-2023: Friedrich Menges. Last Change: 7 July, 2022
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